Mole removal

Have unsightly moles removed and check they’re not dangerous at the same time

Moles are pigmented lesions that can appear anywhere on the body. Many people opt to remove unsightly moles through the process of a minor surgical excision. It won’t hurt thanks to the local anaesthetic that will be applied beforehand.

If you are not already aware, moles can become cancerous. Warning signs include any changes in your mole, including a new itchiness around them, or bleeding. Some of your moles may already be harmful. It’s important that you have your mole assessed prior to excision, as cancerous moles may require urgent treatment.


  • Detailed history of your skin concern
  • Total skin examination
  • Holistic assessment of your health
  • Diagnosis
  • Discussion of treatment options
  • Personalised treatment plan
  • Treatment
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If your mole is displaying any warning signs, we would advise you to have it assessed.

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There are a few categories of people who may benefit from mole mapping and regular mole checks. These include people with 50+ moles (ANS), people with a history of sun damage, and people who have had moles removed previously, or have noticed changes in their moles.

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Dangerous moles are removed via excision. They may then be sent away for testing.

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Harmless moles are also removed via excision.

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Moles which have changed shape or colour should be assessed by a doctor relatively urgently.

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Mole removal shouldn’t hurt thanks to local anaesthetic.

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