Malignant melanoma

Urgent treatment is strongly recommended for malignant melanoma

Malignant melanoma is a type of skin cancer. It is a skin malignancy which arises from the pigment producing cells of the skin (melanocytes). Melanomas always arise in previously sunburnt skin. One third of them are from pre-existing moles, especially atypical moles. Sunburn in childhood doubles the risk of melanoma in later life.

A family or personal history of skin cancer also increases a person’s risk of melanoma. Like ANS moles, (moles on a person who has 50+ moles) melanomas can be recognised by the ABCDE rule. That’s to say dangerous melanomas are identified through being asymmetrical, have borders that are ragged, they’re multi-coloured, large in diameter, and they’re evolving. Harmful melanomas have the potential to spread throughout the body and cause death. Early melanomas are easily cured by very simple surgical excision under local anaesthetic. It’s important to note that early  treatment saves lives.


  • Detailed history of your skin concern
  • Total skin examination
  • Holistic assessment of your health
  • Diagnosis
  • Discussion of treatment options
  • Personalised treatment plan
  • Treatment
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Melanomas are often first discovered when a new mole appears, or an existing mole changes in colour or shape.

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If detected early enough, a simple excision is enough to remove it safely.

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Melanomas can spread. This is why it’s important to have any evolving moles assessed.

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If you melanoma has spread you may need radiation therapy, as well as an excision. Don’t delay that first consultation.

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Any moles over 6mm should be examined.

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Melanomas can grow very quickly and become harmful in a matter of weeks.

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It may return, which is why you should remain vigilant, and keep an eye on any evolving or new moles.

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It means harmful. If your melanoma test results indicate your melanoma is malignant, we would advise you to get urgent treatment, and we’re happy to provide that.

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