HIFU & Energy-Based Devices

Non-invasive, non-surgical, no downtime, painless solutions to premature ageing:

High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound

High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) is a highly effective non-surgical skin treatment for lifting, tightening, and rejuvenating your skin. The beauty of this treatment is that it targets the foundational layer of the skin with ultrasound energy, without cutting or disrupting it, which usually happens during cosmetic surgery. Instead, HIFU uses ultrasound energy and a very specific temperature to support maximum collagen regeneration, resulting in skin & ligament tightening, and fat & jowl reduction to create a lifting effect.


Laser treatments rejuvenate the skin by stimulating the body’s own healing processes. The laser creates tiny channels deep in the dermal layers, leaving surrounding skin untouched to ensure an effective treatment with less downtime. Laser resurfacing combines the fractional and ablative processes for more dramatic, long-lasting results

Most people need only 1-2 full treatments. People with photo-damaged skin or a high degree of loose skin may require multiple treatments to see the desired results. During your consultation, we’ll discuss more about how many treatments you’ll most likely need to achieve the results you’re wanting.


  • Detailed discussion of your observations and wishes
  • Thorough examination
  • Holistic assessment of your health
  • Diagnosis
  • Discussion of treatment options
  • Personalised treatment plan
  • Treatment
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It boosts collagen production.

See answer

They should last for 12-18 months.

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HIFU encourages a natural skin repair. The results take longer to become visible, but when they are apparent, they last for longer.

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