Bruxism Treatment

Bruxism harms the appearance, the bite, the teeth and the jaw joints.
Bruxism causes marionette lines, shortening of the face and distorts the shape of the head.
Bruxism causes great damage to teeth and jaw joint.
Many people are unaware of bruxism until they visit Devonshire Dermatology.
Our multidisciplinary team at Devonshire Dermatology is specialised in the recognition and treatment of all these bruxism problems.

There are many patients who do not realise that they grind their teeth until they come in for a visit with Devonshire Dermatology. We look for the oral signs of bruxism during routine exams and works with patients on an individual basis to address any damage, discomfort or imbalance in the bite. Stabilizing the fit and function of the bite is important for the enjoyment of optimal oral health and a lifetime of comfortable smiles.


  • Detailed history of your skin concern
  • Total skin examination
  • Holistic assessment of your health
  • Diagnosis
  • Discussion of treatment options
  • Personalised treatment plan
  • Treatment
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You probably grind your teeth or clench them once in a while. Occasionally grinding your teeth most likely won’t cause any harm.

But if you regularly grind your teeth, you may have a condition called bruxism. It can hurt your:

Jaw muscles.


Temporomandibular joints (TMJs), which connect your jawbone to your skull and allow you to open and close your mouth.

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If you grind your teeth a lot, you may have bruxism. This condition can cause jaw pain and teeth problems. You may not even notice that you’re grinding your teeth during sleep. If you have bruxism symptoms, such as loose teeth, see a specialist at Devonshire Dermatology. Bruxism treatment is highly effective.

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Bruxism can happen when you’re awake or asleep. The grinding action is the same, but awake and asleep bruxism are considered two separate conditions:

Awake bruxism: You clench your jaw and grind your teeth during the day with this condition. It’s usually tied to emotional issues. Feeling anxious, stressed or angry can lead to teeth grinding. But so can concentrating on something. Awake bruxism often doesn’t need treatment, if you’re more likely to notice and stop. Stress management can help and learning ways to become aware can also help reduce the frequency.

Sleep bruxism: You grind your teeth while asleep with this form, which may cause more harm. You may not get the help you need since you’re unaware it is happening. Another challenge with sleep bruxism is that people don’t realize how strong they’re clenching their jaw and teeth. They can use up to 250 pounds of force, causing jaw pain and teeth problems. Clenching can also lead to headaches.

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Teeth grinding can cause several problems:

Changes in how you look (aesthetic problems) and your facial profile.

Fractured or loosened teeth.

Harming your TMJs and jaw and neck muscles.

Loss of teeth.

Wearing down of teeth.

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Men and women get bruxism at roughly the same rate. If you have a family history of teeth grinding, you may face a higher risk. Other risk factors include:

Personality type, as people who are very driven may be more prone to teeth grinding.


Cigarette smoking and caffeine use.

Certain anti-anxiety medications.

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You may not realize that you’re grinding your teeth at night. But signs that you may have bruxism include:

Disrupted sleep.

Headaches or facial pain, especially in the morning.


Painful or loose teeth.

Sore jaw muscles.

Teeth fractures.

Wear on teeth.

TMJ, which sounds like clicking or popping in the jaw.

Pain with eating.

Jaw locking.

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Little or no downtime is required for most acne treatments.

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Treatment is always tailored individually to each patient and includes creams, tablets, peels and deep extractions. Patients need to be monitored regularly to achieve the swiftest and best outcomes.

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