Solar keratoses & brown spots
Ensure keratoses and brown spots are examined before they turn harmful
A solar keratosis is a scaly patch of skin, that is pink, red, or brown, and forms as a result of exposure to the sun. It is commonly found in the over 40s on the face, neck, forearms, scalp, or back of the hands. It may be itchy, or cause a burning sensation. Sometimes they bleed, and crust over. Brown spots are unsightly and also have the potential to become harmful. The earlier solar keratoses and brown spots are treated, the better our chances of preventing them from turning into a more serious condition. Once brown spots and solar keratosis are removed, you should have a clearer, more rejuvenated skin tone.
Both keratoses and brown spots are a result of earlier sun damage. In the case of brown spots, they probably began life as sunburn, a suntan, or freckles. At our Devonshire Dermatology clinic, we use non-invasive energy-based devices (EBDs) to remove both keratosis and brown spots. Depending on the type of sun damage you’d like removed, we will offer Intense Pulsed Light treatment (IPL), and radio frequency treatment (HIFU).
During these treatments, energy will be delivered safely to the targeted skin area via a laser to encourage the growth of fresh tissue in the place of your blemish. It’s a simple, effective procedure that will remove your keratosis or brown spot.

- Detailed history of your skin concern
- Total skin examination
- Holistic assessment of your health
- Diagnosis
- Discussion of treatment options
- Personalised treatment plan
- Treatment
Some solar keratoses become cancerous. It’s worth booking a consultation with us to have it assessed.
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The healing process is very simple and straightforward. Aftercare usually involves no more than the application of cream.
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Both solar keratoses and brown spots have the potential to become harmful, particularly if the blemish is large, asymmetrical, has different shades of colour contained within it, or has changed recently. Please book a consultation with us if you are concerned.
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Laser treatment may not be suitable if your solar keratosis or brown spot has already evolved into a more serious condition. In this case, taking more urgent positive action is heavily advised. Come and visit us for a consultation. We work with integrity, and are a leading authority on pre-cancerous tumours.
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IPL uses light energy to target a colour in your skin. This light energy heats the skin and both gets rid of unwanted cells, and encourages the growth of new cells. It can be used for the removal of keratoses and brown spots.
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IPL, in the hands of our experienced dermatologist, is suitable for removing pigmented lesions. However, It’s important the lesions haven’t evolved into a more harmful state. An assessment of the keratosis will be required before any treatment can take place.
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IPL treatment commonly causes minor redness and bruising immediately afterwards, but this will subside after a few days. Afterwards, your complexion will be clearer, and younger looking, with the keratosis or brown spot removed.
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