Hidradenitis suppurativa
Following diagnosis, your dermatologist will personalise the best treatment for you.
Hidradenitis suppurativa is a condition in which lumps form under the skin, typically in the groin or armpit areas, which over time heal with extensive scar formation. Because this rare condition is often misdiagnosed, many people experience progressively worsening symptoms for a long time before receiving the right diagnosis and right treatment.
With extensive experience in recognising the common as well as uncommon signs of hidradenitis suppurativa, our dermatologists are highly skilled in diagnosing and treating this rare condition.
This condition involves lumps forming in the skin that may cause pain, itching, burning, and swelling. The lumps can be pus filled. Multiple lumps can appear at the same time, grow, break open, and heal, then reappear in the same spot. Over time they can heal with extensive scarring. While these lumps mostly form in the armpit and groin, they could also appear in other areas, such as the breasts, abdomen, and inner thighs.
If untreated, hidradenitis suppurativa could lead to significant scarring, infections, an increased risk of skin cancer, anxiety, and impaired quality of life, to name a few associations.
Following diagnosis, which includes a skin exam and testing of any fluid that leaks from the lesions, your dermatologist will personalise the best treatment for you.

- Detailed history of your skin concern
- Total skin examination
- Holistic assessment of your health
- Diagnosis
- Discussion of treatment options
- Personalised treatment plan
- Treatment
HS, or Hidradenitis Suppurativa, is a chronic skin condition. Chronic means it lasts for a while, typically years.
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HS is better described as autoinflammatory because your own cells are attacking each other (‘auto-‘) and the cells are from the immune system, causing inflammation (‘-inflammatory’). When clinicians and researchers use the word ‘autoimmune’ it refers to a specific way the immune system attacks its own cells – and this isn’t the exact way that things happen in HS. Examples of autoimmune diseases are lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.
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There are multiple therapies available to treat HS, including medications, procedures (or surgeries), even lifestyle choices (avoiding things that aggravate, smoking, diet, and more) may be effective.
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