Lip Fillers


Improve lip volume with absolutely natural results.

Lip filler is an incredibly popular choice for anyone who desires a fuller, poutier lip shape.

Lip fillers provide a quick and easy way to add extra volume and shape to lips. They deliver almost immediate results using a medically developed solution, which is carefully injected into the lips by a qualified practitioner. At Devonshire Dermatology, dermatologists only ever use Juvéderm® Ultra for lip fillers, which contains hyaluronic acid; a naturally occurring substance that retains moisture to boost hydration and elasticity. 

Applications include:

– enhance lip size to create more plump lips which do not ‘disappear’ when you smile

– correct asymmetry or scars on the lip

– create a balance between the upper and lower lip

– improve the shape of lips to give a more beautiful cupids bow and defined lip shape

– add definition to the borders of your lips and reduce lines and creases around the mouth area

– enhance hydration of the lips

– enhance the philtrum column if requested

– recreate the look of a lip lift without the need for going under the knife.


  • Detailed discussion of your observations and wishes
  • Thorough examination
  • Holistic assessment of your health
  • Diagnosis
  • Discussion of treatment options
  • Personalised treatment plan
  • Treatment
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Lip fillers are a non-surgical cosmetic treatment to help patients achieve fuller, plumper lips. These injectable treatments also fill lines and wrinkles and restore volume to lips that have lost their shape and structure as part of the ageing process.

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Lip fillers are made of hyaluronic acid, a natural sugar protein that hydrates the skin by retaining water and providing structural support to skin tissues. They provide immediate visible improvements to the lips by smoothing wrinkles and improving the appearance of deflated or saggy skin.

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There is no medical reason why you cannot apply makeup including lip gloss, lip balm or lipstick directly after lip fillers. A treatment can leave the lips feeling slightly tender, so it is recommended that you leave it a day before applying makeup to the treatment area.

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It is entirely down to you how enhanced you wish your lips to look.

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As lip fillers are a non-surgical procedure, they require no invasive surgery, cuts or stitches on the lips. Some patients may feel a slight sense of discomfort when having this injectable treatment. But it is usually very mild.

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Most dermal filler treatments last between six to eight months. We recommend additional booster top-up treatments every six months to a year for patients who want to achieve year-round plumpness and structure in their lips.

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