

For treating anti-ageing, congestion and dull or pigmented skin.

Offering the complete facial solution for an array of concerns, Hydropeel is designed to target universal facial concerns, including hydration, oxygenation, anti-ageing, brightening, skin tightening and congestion. By using different technologies, Devonshire Dermatology can offer bespoke treatments tailored to the patient’s skin. These technologies smooth, hydrate and cleanse the skin resulting in a glowing, more youthful appearance.

At Devonshire Dermatology, our approach comprises multimodality treatments including aqueous vacuum exfoliation, lifting, hydrating with personalised cosmeceuticals.


  • Detailed discussion of your observations and wishes
  • Thorough examination
  • Holistic assessment of your health
  • Diagnosis
  • Discussion of treatment options
  • Personalised treatment plan
  • Treatment
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A Hydropeel is a revolutionary medical-grade skin procedure that uses a hydra dermabrasion device to gently cleanse away imperfections, improving the look and feel of your skin. A Hydropeel is an advanced non-invasive and non-surgical procedure that quickly delivers results through a multi-stage treatment process without the use of lasers or harsh chemicals.

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A Hydropeel cleanses, detoxifies, exfoliates, extracts and hydrates all in one treatment which makes it a popular choice for many customers, whatever their age.

·      Removes blackheads

·      Removes whiteheads

·      Decreases wrinkles

·      Decreases fine lines

·      Targets and hydrates dehydrated skin

·      Improves uneven skin tone

·      Reduces hyper-pigmentation

·      Targets sun damage

·      Reduces brown spots

·      Removes enlarged pores

·      Removes congested pores

·      Targets acne

·      Targets and improves rosacea

·      Reduces oily-prone skin

·      Improves texture and even or dull skin tone

·      Increases natural collagen formation & production

·      Improves skin firmness and lack of elasticity

·      Reduces puffiness

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You can expect to see more radiant, smoother, replenished and younger-looking skin, even after just one Hydropeel treatment.

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Hydropeels are extremely popular due to the benefits you will see after just one treatment and even more so after a course of treatments. There is no downtime after the procedure and one treatment can take as little as 30 to 60 minutes.

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Hydropeel’s tiny, brush-like applicator comfortably sweeps over the face and neck skin and simultaneously circulates liquid rapidly on the skin which creates a highly effective vacuum, sucking up any dead skin cells, impurities, dirt and sebum within the pores.

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For the first couple of months, you may wish to have a Hydropeel weekly to bring your skin up to its optimum condition. When you have achieved this, it is usually recommended that you have a maintenance Hydropeel once a month.

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