HIFU Ultraformer

Non-invasive HIFU-powered precision to target sagging skin on face, neck and body.

With age, our skin naturally produces less collagen and elastin, eventually losing its strength and tightness, resulting in sagging skin around the face, neck and body.

Ultraformer treatment at Devonshire Dermatology is an advanced ultrasound treatment using HIFU-powered transducers offering impressive tightening and lifting results without needing nips, tucks or snips.  The newest technology by Ultraformer reported that patients who underwent treatment improved by 95% between 4-12 weeks post-treatment.

This ultrasound therapy is ideal for treating specific problems around the:

– eyelids

– cheeks

– jawline

– and neck (double chin)

Also been incredibly effective for lifting and tightening larger areas of the body, like stomach and thighs. 

Improvement is discernable straight after your treatment. Our patients experience the results becoming even more noticeable a few months after their treatment. Ultraformer is a non-invasive technology, so it’s ideal if you don’t want to put your face or body through a surgical procedure. It uses high-intensity focused ultrasound to create a coagulating effect in the lower layers of the skin, resulting in immediate tightening and stimulating collagen regeneration over the few weeks following your treatment. This encourages a long-term tightening effect, ensuring your skin stays precisely where you want it to be.

This treatment typically lasts 30 minutes. The exact duration will depend on the areas treated. No downtime so it is easy to fit into your busy schedule.

Looked at in a three-quarter view, a half face can be divided into three parts of equal width by the drawing of two parallel vertical lines. The first line is drawn through the pupil and the angle of the mouth; where this line crosses the jawline, there is a firm tether called the mandibular retaining ligament. The second vertical line is drawn halfway between the first line and the tragus (the little bump in front of your ear hole). These two lines divide a half face into medial, middle and lateral compartments. The medial third is anchored by nose, chin and mandibular retaining ligament. The lateral third is anchored by a complex system of other ligaments. The middle third is largely unanchored and has more fat in it than do the other two thirds.
In youth, the middle third provides the swell (anterior projection) of a beautiful and full young cheek. In older age, the middle third suffers from gravity and drifts inexorably downwards, like a slowly melting half pound of butter, in due course eventuating in a jowl.
To have an idea of how your face will age, everybody knows that putting a mirror on a table and then looking down into it will give you a glimpse of your ghastly future. Most striking is the drifting forwards of the jowl and lower cheek. Because the mandibular retaining ligament is strong and durable (even in older people), it continues to pin the anterior third in its rightful place such that the middle third not only drifts forwards but, in older people, it begins to envelop the jaw line of the anterior third.
In youth, the jawline of the gravitationally doomed middle third is held back towards the ear by the subaponeurotic muscular system (the SMAS layer). Most face lift surgery works by opening the skin in front of the ear in order to put a tuck in SMAS, thereby pulling the middle third back towards the ear. The great news is that a similar effect can be achieved by tightening the SMAS by speckling it with a pattern of high intensity focussed ultrasound (HIFU) dots. These HIFU dots cause microdots of inflammation within the SMAS layer which lead to creation of new collagen within the SMAS and a  consequent tightening of the SMAS and, you guessed it, a welcome drawing up and back of the jowl. All this without a scalpel or an injection! It takes just 20 minutes and can be repeated. It can be done twice a year.


  • Detailed discussion of your observations and wishes
  • Thorough examination
  • Holistic assessment of your health
  • Diagnosis
  • Discussion of treatment options
  • Personalised treatment plan
  • Treatment
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It boosts collagen production.

See answer

They should last for 12-18 months.

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HIFU encourages a natural skin repair. The results take longer to become visible, but when they are apparent, they last for longer.

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Avoid sun exposure and extremes of temperature. Make sure your baths or showers aren’t hot. You should also make an effort to remain hydrated and refrain from drinking alcohol for a couple of days.

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It can applied anywhere the skin has started to sag, even sensitive areas, such as under the eyes.

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Once the results of your treatment become visible, targeted facial skin areas should look firmer, and less lines, with fewer blemishes. If you have had HIFU applied to the body, then the targeted area should look slimmer and tighter.

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The number of sessions will vary between individuals, depending on their goals. 2-3 sessions is usually sufficient.

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You should see results approximately 3 months after your first treatment session.

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