
Fillers are used to prevent skin ageing, change the volume of soft tissues, create clear contours on the face and body.
Our specialists are experienced and internationally renowned dermatologists, aesthetic doctors and a maxillofacial surgeon.  Leaders in the field of fillers and aesthetic dermatology, they are respected lecturers, teachers and authors of scientific work on fillers. For all of us at Devonshire Dermatology, safety and experience come first.
At Devonshire Dermatology, we believe in maintaining the individuality of the patient by using the minimum amount of fillers to achieve a natural effect with a rejuvenating lift immediately apparent after the procedure. That same day you will be able to go to the party.
Fillers are best done in a subtle way. They are injected into the skin and deeper tissues to treat wrinkles and to achieve volume restoration or tissue augmentation with without changing the face. Our aim is to enhance your own face, to restore to you the face you recognise as your own.
Which filler is best to choose for solving your problems? To understand this, our specialists listen to your concerns, examine your skin in various different lightings, make a diagnosis and discuss with you the possible options for treatment in order to achieve a harmonious and natural effect.
Hyaluronic acid (HA) is the most widely used filler. It is a substance naturally present throughout the body in the spaces between human cells. The length and the molecular weight of the HA fibres determines their ability to crosslink and form either stable and compact structures (suitable for volume restoration) or remain more fluid (suitable for lip enhancement for example).
Different types of HA filler are used for different indications. There are many different absorbable and non-absorbable fillers today. At Devonshire Dermatology, we use absorbable fillers based on hyaluronic acid, calcium hydroxyapatite, polylactic acid, caprolactone, polydioxanone and others.
If tightening of the skin is required, then it may be best to use fillers that stimulate the production of new collagen without volume. In this case, fillers based on calcium hydroxyapatite and polylactic acid may be more suitable.
Fillers are used to prevent skin ageing, to fill lines and depressions, to improve the volume of soft tissues and to enhance clear contours on the face and body.
Keep your own face young for many many years with our experts.


  • Detailed discussion of your observations and wishes
  • Thorough examination
  • Holistic assessment of your health
  • Diagnosis
  • Discussion of treatment options
  • Personalised treatment plan
  • Treatment
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The effects figures of fillers should last between 6 and 12 months or longer.

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Fillers have a lot of different uses. They are commonly applied to the mid and lower face of men and women, to restore skin volume and provide a rejuvenated look. They can also lift and firm skin around the neck and jawline, as well as remove acne scars, and even resculpt the nose, chin, and lips into a shape you find more attractive.

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Fillers can remove dark circles from under the eyes, and stop temples from looking sunken. They can firm sagging skin, and add skin volume, as well as smooth out wrinkles.

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Botox removes wrinkles on the upper face, while fillers removes wrinkles on the middle and lower face. Fillers can also reduce age-related skin laxity. Whether you need Botox or fillers to achieve your beauty will depend on which areas of your appearance are looking to rejuvenate. Everyone ages in their own individual way. Why not book a consultation with us to get professional, expert advice, on the various rejuvenation treatments we offer and discuss with us which will give you the most natural looking rejuvenation?

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Fillers are delivered into your skin via injection. We use ultra thin needles, but like any injection, you may experience mild discomfort for a few seconds.

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With fillers, the results are immediate. The results will then remain in place for 6 to 12 months, after which time you will need to book a top up appointment to maintain your new rejuvenated look.

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Lip fillers add lip volume. They can change the shape of your lips, make them younger looking, as well as even out disproportionate lips. Our lips naturally thin with age, so lip fillers not only restore lost volume, but contribute to you looking younger. When you have your consultation with us we will answer all your questions.

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The days of lip filler horror stories are in the past. These days, lip filler technology is so sophisticated that when the treatment is administered by an experienced professional dermatologist, you should achieve the exact lip look you were expecting, based on the preferences you gave during your consultation. Filler treatment is very safe and has been approved by the FDA for cosmetic purposes for many years. There is hardly any chance of allergic reaction, because the hyaluronic acid that is used in fillers is a substance that occurs naturally in the body.

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